It feels like New Year’s Eve was just yesterday – and it’s already nearing the end of January! As the saying goes “time sure does fly by when you’re having fun”, and that’s exactly what’s been going on here at The Nurse Speak!
2018 was a great year for The Nurse Speak as we proudly joined in the celebration of client NCLEX successes – maintaining our 100% client NCLEX pass rate, enjoyed working on several fun writing projects, was featured on the Mastering Nursing Podcast, hosted by Nurse Keith Carlson, attended the National Nurses in Business Association Annual Conference in Las Vegas, and continued to make many more wonderful connections within our amazing nursing community. With so many awesome experiences last year, The Nurse Speak is ready for another AMAZING year – Welcome 2019!
What you can expect to see from The Nurse Speak in 2019
- More Video Content!
- More Free NCLEX Study Tips and Strategies
- Downloadable NCLEX Strategies for Success Study Guide
- Professional Speaking Engagements
- and MORE!!!
So join us in the exciting journey that 2019 has in store, and remember to let us help YOU develop strategies for success!
Take care and let’s make this year ROCK – Together!
Best Wishes,