thank-you-1243804Since the launching of Nurse Speak Blog in June of last year, I have had the pleasure of working with, and being supported by many wonderful people and organizations both in and out of the Nursing Profession.

The Nurse Speak Blog has received an overwhelmingly positive response from an international audience, ranging from eager nursing students, to that of healthcare policy makers.

So I just wanted to take a moment to give a big THANKS to all of those who have shared, posted, reblogged, and added the Nurse Speak Blog site to their blogroll lists!

Thank you very much, and I look forward to continuing to make a positive impact within the nursing profession!

Firstly, a HUGE thank you to my dear friend Crystal, creator and author of – a fabulous lifestyle blog, for her help in getting started. Although her assistance was brief, her insight was extremely valuable!

Thank you to many members of the American Nurses Association for commenting, sharing and supporting many of my articles, especially the story regarding unsafe staffing ratios, and for reaching out to me to provide encouragement.

Thank you members of the American Journal of Nursing  for recognizing this blog’s value and including it in their list of worthwhile blogs.

Thank you members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives Association for recognizing this blog’s value and including it in their list of worthwhile blogs.

Thank you to members of the New York State Nurses Association for commenting, sharing, and supporting my story regarding unsafe staffing ratios and for reaching out to me to provide encouragement. It was an honor working with you in Spring of 2015.

Thank you many faculty members of the Community College of Baltimore County for supporting me and providing guidance during the launch of the Nurse Speak Blog.

Thank you to the staff and followers of Kaplan Test Prep’s Calling All Nurses Blog for allowing me the opportunity to share my knowledge and insights with a broader nursing community!

Thank you to Today In Patient Advocacy & Health for sharing many of the articles that I have been published both on the Nurse Speak Blog, as well as the Calling All Nurses Blog.

And a many THANKS to my followers, likers, rebloggers, and sharers!!!

If there is any discussion or topic you would like for me to lead, please feel free to provide suggestions, and I will be happy to see if we can get something rolling together!

I appreciate each and every one of you, and look forward to continuing the discussion!

Best Wishes!
