Nurse Mentoring & Support that you need in order to develop strategies for business, success and career growth!
Damion provides individualized mentoring & support services for nursing students, new graduates, and professional nurses who are looking for strategic ways to navigate their desired academic and career pathways, meet specific goals or find solutions to current challenges in practice. Damion always focuses on your individual needs, and will help you to identify and implement strategies for success!
Areas where Damion has helped others:
- Managing Mental Blocks & Self-Sabotaging Behaviors
- Developing the Art of Being Mindful & Intentional
- Assertive & Effective Communication Techniques
- Finding that Work-Study-Life Balance
- Confidently Landing the Job or Position you Want
- Networking to Build an Army of Advocates
- Professional Branding for Career Success
- Marketing, Entrprenuership & Business Ideas
- & More!

NCLEX® Prep Consulting Services
Offering Streamlined Solutions for Today’s Nursing Profession!
With over 13 years of combined academic, staff development & NCLEX prep nursing education experience, I have the skillset to help individuals, organizations and nursing faculty develop high-quality curriculum, content & learning activities that will enhance student/client performance in successfully answering NCLEX questions, and the ability to demonstrate effective critical thinking & clinical reasoning skills.
How I can help:
- Design a Phased Approach to improving Academic Nursing Program NCLEX® Pass Rates
- Coaching & Mentoring NCLEX® Prep Tutors, Instructors & Small Business-Owners to Develop High-Quality Programs for Student/Client Success
- Providing Expert Consultation for Content Writers to Ensure High-Quality Content & Test Items that Meet the Passing Standards of the NCLEX® & Critical Thinking Capacity for Entry into Practice
Public Speaking Engagements: From the classroom to the national stage, I have what it takes to educate and engage!
I have over a decade of experience in nursing and healthcare as a clinician, educator, and entrepreneur. As an accomplished speaker, educator, writer, and NCLEX® Prep Expert, I am well versed on the needs of today’s nursing profession and can provide creative solutions from the classroom to the bedside – and beyond!
Popular presentations include:
- Developing a Successful Education & Consulting Business
- Using The Nursing Process to Solve Everyday Problems
- Professional Branding for Career Success
- Building Brand Identity: From Idea to Reality
- Leveraging your Nursing Knowledge & Skill to Launch a Successful Consulting Business
- Critical Thinking is MORE Than an NCLEX® Buzzword
- Cultural Competence includes the LGBTQ+ Community
- We Don’t Need Another Hero: Nurses Need More Administrative & Organizational Support