Need an EXPERT Registered Nurse Educator & Mentor to help you level-up your Professional Practice? I’d love to help you align with your passion and leverage your strengths so you can reach and exceed your profressional goals! I have decades of experience and wisdom to share, and it’d be my pleasure to assist you in reaching your professional goals!
Areas of Expertise include, but are not limited to:
Transitioning into Practice: From Student Nurse to Professional Nurse
- Discovering your Strengths & Areas of Improvement for Career Alignment & Satisfaction
Pivoting into a New Specialty: Leveraging Existing Skills & Knowledge for a Smooth Transition
Eradicating Bullying & Incivility: It’s all about perception & willingness to be KIND
Leadership Mentoring for Success: Moving on Up! From Staff Nurse to Nurse Executive
Overcoming Compassion Fatigue & Burnout: Developing Strategies to Keep YOUR CUP FULL
Onboarding, Training & Validation of Skills & Clinical Competence
Maintaining Ethical, Legal & Safe Practices in Challenging Situations
Partnering with Community Organizations to Support Professional Goals
Earning Professional Certification to Position Self for Desired Career Path
Leveraging Your Nursing Skills & Knowledge for Business & Entrepreneurship
- Professional Resume & Cover Letter Composition
- And more! 💡
Nursing Career Coaching Program - $1,499
What’s Included:
- One 2-Hour Self-Discovery Session for Career Alignment:
- Focus on interpersonal skills, personality type, leadership style, conflict resolution skills, analytical skills, and preferences for work-life balance so we can leverage your strengths for career alignment and satisfaction!
- Six 1-Hour Coaching Sessions:
- Comprehensive one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to meet your immediate needs & your ideal career goals.
- Conflict Resolution Strategies
- Interviewing Skills
- Negotiating Skills
- Effective Communication Skills
- Self-Advocacy
- Managing Difficult Individuals
- Dismantling Bullying & Workplace Incivility
- Nursing Delegation & Evaluation
- Nursing Job Opportunities
- Nursing Workflow to Organize & Prioritize Care
- Getting the Promotion that You Want & Deserve
- Improving Critical Thinking Capacity
- Implementation of new processes and protocols: getting team member buy-in
- Cultural Competence & Sensitivity Training
- Effective Coping & Stress Management Strategies
- and anything else you’d want to explore!
- Customized Resume/CV & Cover Letter Creation (1-hour Session):
- Personalized documents crafted for a selected job opportunity that will be sure to land on the hiring manager’s desk!
- Coaching Wrap-Up & Ongoing Recommendations (1-hour Session)
- As we say our farewells and good luck, this session is an opportunity to close out this coaching journey and get ready for the next steps in career alignment & satisfaction!
Additional Benefits:
- Direct access to Damion via email and Voxer messages.
- Schedulable 15-minute calls for clarifying questions, motivation, inspiration, and support.
- Ongoing recommendations for resources, networking opportunities, and career navigation.
- Payment plans available upon request.
I'd love to have a virtual coffee with you! ☕
Let’s connect so I can learn more about how I may provide value to you, your audience or your organization. Schedule a time to chat!

Professional Collaborators & Trusted Brands
Damion & The Nurse Speak collaborate with MANY amazing professionals and organizations who really help us to create awesome content and programs to advance the Nursing Profession.
Nursing is – and always will be – a TEAM effort! So let’s take a minute to recognize and celebrate some of the amazing collaborators who have helped The Nurse Speak grow and develop our programs and services so that we may continue to help individuals such as yourself develop strategies for success!
Click on each to learn more —>
Teresa Sanderson
Nurses Feed Their Young – CEU Providership – Sales & Entreprenuership Coaching & MORE!
Healthy Workforce Institute
HWI is creating a world where bullying and incivility are immediately rejected and kindness, respect, and professionalism become the standard!
Nurse Keith Coaching
Nurse Keith provides tremendous value to the Nursing profession, including award-winning blogs, an amazing podcast: The Nurse Keith Show, and top-notch Nurse Coaching services!
Pedagogy Online Continuing Education
Continuing Education & Professional Learning for Nursing Staff & More!
National Nurses in Business Association
NNBA is the premiere network for nursing business owners & aspiring entrepreneurs! LEVEL Up Nurses – and learn EXPERT Business Tips & Strategies!
Hart Healthcare Consultants
Nena Hart is someone who can help you LEVEL UP your Nursing Entreprenuership with Consulting Services, Courses, & Special Events such as Retreats!