Cannabidiol (CBD) has exploded in the field of health and wellness. The cannabis plant contains many different cannabinoids. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component, and CBD are the two most common cannabinoids. CBD is the non-psychoactive component of the cannabis hemp plant. Hemp plants are well known for the sustainable fibers and high levels of CBD that can be extracted to make oil (3). Various medical traditions use cannabis in multiple forms due to the continued evidence based research proving that it is supportive in reducing anxiety and regulating mood states in individuals (1). Legal industrial hemp must contain less than 0.3% THC and it is from this plant that CBD oil can be extracted (3). Test taking anxiety CBD and THC has a unique art and science connection that can support nursing students in natural and transformative test taking experiences.
The Human Endocannabinoid System: How Does CBD Work In The Body?
Every mammal has an endocannabinoid system and functions to regulate homeostasis in the body. This system consists of two main receptors, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are found mostly in the nervous system, gonads, glands, organs, and connective tissue; CB2 receptors are found primarily in the immune system. The endocannabinoid system is involved with important functions within the physiological and psychological changes that are needed for adjusting internal and external environments (1).
The molecule Anandamide (AEA) is an endogenous cannabinoid that is produced on demand by the body. This means that we need our body to do something such as taking CBD or THC, running, or participating in meditation to activate and produce AEA. The endogenous endocannabinoid system is responsible for regulating homeostasis specifically in caloric energy balance, immune functioning, and emotional behavior that is essential for synaptic plasticity to enhance learning and balance the response to emotional high adverse events (2).
Uncontrolled activation of CB1 receptors may enhance or reduce fear expression depending on the brain, however in most relevant studies, this activation seems to enhance fear extinction. The amygdala is the area in the brain that when stimulated can result in a fear response putting individuals in a fight or flight response or activation of our sympathetic nervous system. With the biphasic effects of CBD, a reduction of anandamide in the CB1 receptor signaling in the amygdala may balance anxiety effects when the corticotropin hormone is released (Blessing, 2015). As we activate the CB1 receptors, negative feedback occurs which is essential for the neuroendocrine stress response and protects the body against adverse effects of chronic stress and anxiety. Impaired endocannabinoid signaling in the amygdala and hippocampus may lead to increased anxiety and individuals may have a reduction in anandamide and endocannabinoid tone (2).
Does CBD support anxiety?
The current conventional pharmacological treatments for various anxiety disorders include serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, benzodiazepines, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants drugs, partial 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor agonists, anticonvulsants, and atypical antipsychotics (2). Unfortunately most of these drugs have unwanted adverse side effects that may limit tolerability and adherence.
Research shows that CBD has neuro-protective properties that appears to calm the autonomic nervous system and its responses to stress such as rapid heart rates and diaphoresis. CBD stimulate receptors that select serotonin to achieve a calming effect (1). Overall, current evidence based research indicates that CBD is a considerable treatment for multiple anxiety disorders.
CBD oil as therapy for students with test anxiety
Many nursing students can relate to trying to manage their anxiety during nursing exams and with the NCLEX board exam. Understanding where our anxiety comes from will help us take action in our test taking abilities to optimize our greatest potential. As mentioned earlier, when our amygdala and hippocampus are triggered we allow high levels of anxiety to occur. Students considering taking CBD oil for test anxiety and other CBD methods of administration as a holistic and natural intervention for reduction of anxiety from nursing exams may find comfort through the following benefits:
- Enhance overall sense of well being. Homeostatic regulation of our physiological and psychological functioning puts us in a state of negative feedback. This negative feedback allows the body to create normal balance of our overall health and wellness. Taking CBD oil for test anxiety daily and other various routes allows the body to create optimal well being in our bodily functions.
- Regulate fear and anxiety. The amygdala and hippocampus are classic centers in the brain that detect fear and anxiety. Choosing to take CBD oil for test anxiety and other routes of administration, may upregulate these centers by balancing stimulation of the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Gamma- Aminobutyric Acid (GABA), serotonin, and5-hydroxytryptamine receptorsare stimulated, produced in the brain, and supports blocking brain signals to promote a reduction in stress.
- Support the endocannabinoid system to regulate emotional behavior. When considering to work with CBD remember that it is recognized for the capability to reduce chronic negative emotional behaviors such as fear, anxiety, anger, and depression. Adding a CBD self care plan example, a regimen with cost effective interventions like gratitude, positive mindset, and other self healing abilities may also diminish unwanted emotional behaviors going into a nursing examination.
- Reduces chronic stress. Mental conditioning of our emotional centers such as our hippocampus and amygdala in the brain can support our body long term from chronic stress. Creating a self care plan example for your CBD regimen is best for tracking your progress when considering CBD as an intervention for test anxiety. Identify why you are using CBD oil for test anxiety. What small steps can you take towards reducing stress with CBD? Think about what happens if you do nothing to consider incorporating CBD oil or other CBD methods into your current lifestyle. Write down what will happen if you succeed in your test taking abilities with utilizing CBD oil for test anxiety. Remember to breath if you are choosing CBD inhalation route for reducing anxiety levels. Taking successful control of our breath will lower the heart rate, blood pressure, and reduce fear allowing the nursing student to focus on nursing exam to their optimal level.
Holistic interventions for test anxiety
The human body has a unique set of complex systems that work together to support overall function for healthy living at the cellular level. Molecules are chemicals that are associated with our emotions. When our emotions are triggered our body goes through a cascade of responses that can cause chronic negative effects on the autonomic nervous system if not properly controlled. For instance, the hormone and neurotransmitter epinephrine, gets released if we get fearful with the anticipation of taking a nursing exam thus triggering our sympathetic nervous system and adrenal glands, and releases adrenaline. When adrenalin enters the bloodstream, our blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels rises. All of the blood supply is shunted to our large muscles and organs to allow us to get ready for our fight or flight response. Staying in this chronic fight or flight response and not allowing our parasympathetic nervous system to get stimulated appropriately, provides high amounts of adrenaline in the bloodstream and severe ill symptoms and chronic ailments may result. This response affects the endocannabinoid system as it works to create balance with our attention span, focus, and memory which are all important if deciding to use CBD oil for test anxiety. So how exactly can we support homeostasis in our autonomic nervous system and test anxiety in a holistic way?
- Balance your Anandamide availability: Engage in high-intensity endurance running, meditation practices, meaningful social connections, and activating CB1 and CB2 cannabinoids.
- Balance your Gamma-Butyeric Acid availability: Engage in asana yoga sessions, stress reduction techniques, and activating CB1 cannabinoids.
- Balance your Catecholamine availability: Engage in music therapy, stress reduction techniques, self care strategies, and activating CB1 cannabinoids.
- Balance your Serotonin availability: Engage in stress reduction techniques, laughter, massage and bodywork, balance sunlight exposure, and activating CB2 cannabinoids.

Final Sage Tips from the CBD nurse educator
Although utilizing CBD oil for test anxiety is the non-psychoactive component in the cannabis plant that offers great medicinal benefits, there are a few potential side effects to note. Research studies and anecdotal responses show that there can be changes in your appetite, dizziness, heart palpitations, jitteriness, and loose stools can occur. There are also certain types of drugs that can interact with CBD if they take the cytochrome P450 enzymatic pathway. These are mostly drugs that are contraindicated with grapefruit juice. Always speak with your doctor before making any changes to your medication regimen.
CBD Test Results
When purchasing CBD, it is important and valuable to check for a certificate of analysis, the CBD test results. Pure quality and federally tested hemp can offer safe and clean medicine for individuals looking to create homeostasis in the body. It is here that you find information from the CBD testing lab about what is in your CBD products. The CBD testing lab provides information including cannabinoid and terpene testing, pesticide and residual solvent analysis, mycotoxin and heavy metal analysis. CBD test results from a federally regulated CBD testing lab can support your sense of peace in knowing you have pure quality and safe health and wellness products to support your test anxiety needs whether it is inhalation, oral, or topical.
Support from a CBD nurse educator
It is important to start low and slow with considering your test anxiety CBD dosage. Your test anxiety CBD dosage may be different than someone with similar test anxiety so it is important to speak with a cannabis physician expert or a cannabis nurse expert that can support you on your CBD journey. Not sure where to begin with testing anxiety CBD products or other holistic approaches to brain health? Book a free consultation with our CBD nurse educator.
Stay Nourished and Empowered,
Dominique Fontaine, BSN, RN, HNB-BC, HWNC-BC

Board Certified Holistic Nurse| Board Certified Integrative Health and Wellness Nurse Coach| Medical Cannabis Nurse Coach and Consultant | Holistic Nurse Educator and Mentor | Founder & CEO of Sage Integrative Wellness, LLC | American Holistic Nurses Association Chapter Leader of Scottsdale, AZ | AHNCC Certified Nurse Coach Supervisor and Nurse Coach Board Certification Examination Expert Panelist
dominique@sageintegrativewellness.com www.sageintegrativewellness.com http://sageintegrativewellness.myctfo.com
I hope you find this information helpful in your journey for mastering NCLEX test-taking strategies for SUCCESS! For all other strategies, NCLEX study tips and one-to-one tutoring – feel free to book your inquiry call or sessions by scheduling an inquiry call today!
Best Wishes!