Improving Collegiality Among Healthcare Providers: Why I Believe that Nursing's Advocacy for Interdisciplinary Rounds Creates Positive Change

Interdisciplinary Rounds is a patient care improvement strategy that brings members of the care coordination team (case management and social work), members of the medical team (physicians and consultants), members of the therapy team (physical therapists and...

Customer Service in Healthcare: Why Hosptials are Holding Nurses Accountable for Unhappy Patients

Most of us will agree that nursing greatly impacts overall patient satisfaction, and even more so, patient health outcomes. On the other hand, few of us have the understanding that the delivery of nursing practice is heavily scrutinized when these satisfaction scores...

5 Ways New Nurses Can Better Handle Workplace Bullying

This article has been featured on Calling All Nurses, a Kaplan Test Prep blog for nursing students. Workplace bullying is often described as aggressive behaviors that may include: alienating, intimating, public humiliation or sabotaging, and are usually perpetrated by...

NYC Nurses are Crying Out for Change: My Experience at a Large NYC Hospital Validates Their Concerns

New York City – The Concrete Jungle where dreams are made of – unless you happen to be a NYC nurse, or even worse, a NYC patient. Lets start by providing a little background story: I have been working with a large travel nursing agency for approximately 2...