Prevalence of Bullying in Nursing – and How to Handle It.

Prevalence of Bullying in Nursing – and How to Handle It.

      Nurse bullying is becoming surprisingly common in the workplace. It can be identified by a persistent pattern of mistreatment, including verbal, nonverbal, psychological, or even physical. Staying informed and approaching the workplace with the...

5 Ways Nurses Can Create a Positive Work Environment

Due to the nature of health care, nursing workplaces can be stressful, feel overwhelming, and even take on a negative energy if you don’t guard against it. This creates tension not only among nurses, but also patients. Thus, it is important for nurses to remember that...

5 Ways New Nurses Can Better Handle Workplace Bullying

This article has been featured on Calling All Nurses, a Kaplan Test Prep blog for nursing students. Workplace bullying is often described as aggressive behaviors that may include: alienating, intimating, public humiliation or sabotaging, and are usually perpetrated by...