Whether you’re a student nurse, a new graduate preparing for the NCLEX, transitioning into practice, or a professional nurse – you DON’T want to miss out on the BEST 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021! Most of these blogs are created by nursing friends, colleagues and mentors and I highly recommend that you get into all of the AMAZING content, info, tips and strategies they have to offer – because after all – NURSES CAN DO ANYTHING!
Healthy Workforce Institute
Designing healthy workplaces by addressing bullying and incivility – and providing REAL Solutions that are easy to implement by rejecting bad behaviors and making kindness, respect and professionalism the norm. Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Nurses Business Success nursesbusiness.com/blog/
Empowering Nurses through entrepreneurship – Michelle Podlesni, President of the NNBA provides tangible, actionable, and expert strategies on business, marketing, career alternatives and more!
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
The Inspiration Nurse donnacardillo.com/blog/
Donna Cardillo – The Inspiration Nurse – is a powerhouse of energy, wisdom, and humor – You’ll love her advice, stories and endless knowledge! A Must Read for all nurses!
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Digital Doorway
Career advice – and commentary on current healthcare news and trends for savvy 21st-century nurses and healthcare providers – from holistic nurse career coach Keith Carlson – Since 2005.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
FreshRN, founded by Kati Kleber, has one mission: To help new nurses grow into the confident nurses they’ve worked so hard to become. With loads of insight, tips, education & more!
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Notes on Nursing
nursing.jnj.com/nursing-news-eventsJohnson & Johnson offers Nursing news highlights where innovative nurses can have their stories heard, celebrated and supported within J&J’s 120+ year dedication to nursing.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
The Nurse Speak
The Nurse Speak blog offers Expert Tips, Advice & Nursing Strategies for Success from Nurse Educator, NCLEX Prep Expert & Consultant Damion Jenkins – who has a mission of helping nurses get into the profession & stay in the profession!
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
On The Pulse
magazine.nursing.jhu.edu/on-the-pulse/John Hopkins Nursing, a magazine published by the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing hosts On the Pulse, the magazine’s blog which presents some stories and other news about initiatives and developments at the school.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Minority Nurse
minoritynurse.com/blog-page/Minority Nurse focuses on career development, topical issues in the nursing profession, & diversity-related concerns. Its blog posts primarily highlight practical advice & information for nurses, with some articles raising awareness about diversity-related issues.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Nursing Uncensored
Providing posts and episodes about self-care, pet peeves, nursing school life, before- and after-work routines, and product recommendations – blog author Adrianne will be your nurse guide as you embark on this amazing journey we call nursing!
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Beth Hawkes, or “Nurse Beth” communicates her expertise as writer, speaker, and career advice columnist as well, bringing awareness to bedside nursing and patient care concerns.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Living Sublimely Well
Elizabeth Scala is a holistic nurse expert, keynote speaker, and bestselling author, where her blog posts often deal with overcoming stress & burnout & building resilience as a nurse.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Nurse Nacole
A new nursing tip every day! Nacole Riccaboni provides nurses and nursing students “with simple and fast resources” – You don’t want to miss out!
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Confident Voices in Healthcare
confidentvoices.com, bethboynton.com
Beth Boynton, RN, MS blog posts include those of guest bloggers that highlight inspiring real-life stories, nursing advocacy & effective communication skills in nursing.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Nurse Barb’s Daily Dose
Posts from Barb Dehn – where she shares mostly health, wellness and parenting advice on her blog. This is a great blog for non-nurses to learn!
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
The Nerdy Nurse
thenerdynurse.comBrittney Wilson presents practical tips for nurses and nursing students and mixes them up with memes and featured products and services.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
The Nurse Farmer
A Nurse & backyard farmer firmly believes that growing your own organic fruits and vegetables isn’t just fun, but an important tool for health promotion and disease prevention.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
AJN Off the Charts
Posts include: important research findings, policy controversies, clinical practices, public health news, nursing career issues, and moving personal stories told by both nurses and patients.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
healthleadersmedia.com/nursingNews, Updates & Practice Changes for Nurses, Nurse Managers, Nurse Leaders and other Healthcare Professionals! A little something for everyone.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Diversity Nursing blog
A job board, community, & information resource for nurses & nursing students which focuses specifically on diversity, inclusion and cultural competence.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Empowered Nurses
Lorie Brown, a former nurse who now works as attorney defending nurses before the License Board, founded Empowered Nurses “to be a voice for nurses” and to improve the profession.
Best 21 Nursing Blogs in 2021!
Congrats to all those who made this year’s list! Be proud and show off the Best 21 Badge on your blog page, website and social media!
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Best Wishes!
Thanks! I am honored to make the list! Congratulations to everyone else who made the list!
Congratulations to all the Blogs named. I hope that my Blog will be considered in this group. It is Nurse Advocate. As a nurse I write it to help people (patients and consumers) understand the complex healthcare system. It is also written for nurses, case managers and other member of the healthcare team. I have my finger on the pulse and am working to try to make healthcare safe and patient and family centered. https://nursesadvocates.com/blog