More than 20% of new grad nurses have a difficult time passing the NCLEX because they just don’t know how to adequately prepare for the exam. There are tons of resources out there that can either greatly help, or greatly confuse – trust me – I’ve spent PLENTY of time and money sizing up many of the resources out there.
You see, over the years, I’ve learned that MOST of the NCLEX Prep resources out there play on the anxieties and fears of “Not knowing enough”. They create extensive review courses with hours and hours of content review, lectures, and assignments that feel like nursing school all over again – and that is something that I would NEVER want to do over.
As an NCLEX Prep Expert, I have learned that you should not have to go through an entire nursing content review course in order to gain the knowledge, insight and skill necessary to pass the NCLEX. You cover all the basics in nursing school, so if you’ve passed – you can also pass the NCLEX!
Here are 3 reasons why you NEED an NCLEX Prep Expert to HELP you PASS:
As you can see – working with an NCLEX Prep Expert can be greatly beneficial to you by helping you figure out exactly where you need to focus your time and effort, as well as meeting your individualized needs and preferences!
But hey – don’t take it from me – check out what Jack has to say about how my expert NCLEX Strategies and Tutoring helped him pass after an unsuccessful attempt:
If you want to learn more about how I can help you, just as I’ve helped HUNDREDS of others pass the NCLEX – please feel free to leave a comment below, visit and schedule a FREE 15-minute inquiry call with me.
I look forward to helping you develop strategies for NCLEX success!
Best wishes,